Sunday, July 29, 2012


An Abandoned Apple

By Harish Bijoor

When Steve Jobs first landed at my desk (Please note: the book at hand has just no title. It is called Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson), I fell in love with the jacket design. Pure and pristine ‘Apple white’ background with a huge mug shot of Steve Jobs in stylish contemplation, ready for the camera.

‘Apple white’? Remember, if God defined the apple to be red, Steve Jobs did it differently. If you think of an Apple today, the color you think of is white! Not red! Thanks to Steve Jobs!
Back to the jacket then. The jacket design was as clean and clear as Steve Jobs would have wanted it to be. Impractical AS Jobs himself: yes. The  jacket will soil with the continued long handling it will require to read this 571 page tome. But clean. And single-mindedly focused on Steve Jobs. The guy behind it all.

Who hasn’t heard of Steve Jobs by now? My driver says he knows the guy. My cousin’s mother-in-law says she saw him on television the day he died. Many know Mr. Jobs only after his death, but the fact is that the man is known by all. Steve Jobs, in some way or the other, touched every life there was to touch, either with his products, or with the envy or glee, for what he has done to the world of friendly technology that touches lives and makes them richer for it.
Walter Isaacson, the CEO of the Aspen Institute does a great bit of elaborately researched justice to the persona of Steve Jobs. This is true at least of those parts of the persona Steve Jobs chose to part with for public consumption. This is of course not to say that Isaacson has not done justice through an elaborate process of work and interview, and it is equally not to say that Isaacson tells us only what is palatable to the persona of Jobs. Isaacson does a lot, but as I discovered on going through this massive tome, no one book can do justice to the multiple persona of Steve Jobs.  There are pieces of Steve Jobs painstakingly put together, but somehow the jig-saw that is Jobs is not complete.  The pieces are all there, but there is something missing for sure.

The small little pieces put together painstakingly in this book tell us many things about this guy who revolutionized several spaces. Personal computers, animated movies, music phones, tablet computing and digital publishing to name a few. The 140 interviews that went to make this book happen just as Steve Jobs breathed his last, bring to us a guy who is not all that perfect as all of us would want to believe. Steve Jobs got his girlfriend pregnant when he was 23, and botched it all up in terms of how he handled it . Steve jobs was greedy all the time and there are live accusations from all around that some of the best ideas he commercialized were stolen from someone else. Either stolen outright, or paid just too little for what was delivered. The guy was obsessive about quality and crazy as a coot as well, when it came to exciting new ideas that even told him that he need not have to bathe for days if were to be on a full fruit diet. Never mind the stink he created all around his personal living and working space. He followed it diligently, to the chagrin and smelly-discomfort of all around.

Steve Jobs was therefore as flawed as they come, “self-centered” as most call him, mercurial as ever, cranky and tough always, and more. Never mind. He was a genius. And that made up for it all!

Walter Isaacson does justice not only to Steve Jobs in this big white book of Jobs, but gives us some very special glimpses of Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, John Sculley and Mike Scott as well. All persons who dared to cross the path of Steve Jobs at some point of time or the other. With some he got his way, and with others such as Bill Gates, he fought his way, but didn’t quite get there.

The book has an India-twist to it as well, as it describes  this avid Beatles’ fan’s experiences with India and his brief but truncated spiritual journey with Neem Karoli Baba( a pronounced  and adopted Guru of the hippie movement of the sixties), who he just does not get to meet as he is dead by the time he arrives. Steve Jobs wanted to get onto this quest of spirituality as he seems to have had  a professed hole in his persona, which he was trying to fill. India was a journey in that quest. India was meant to be the filler.

In many ways, as one reads through Walter Isaacson’s brilliantly laid out prose, one cannot but help feel for a fact that the one constant theme in Jobs’ life was the theme of abandonment. Something that seemed to have come by as a fact of his abandonment in early life. Having led the life of an adopted kid, Jobs forever juggled with the thought of being left aside from it all. As someone abandoned. As someone not wanted. In many ways, this is one theme Jobs turned turtle. The desire was clear. Steve Jobs was to be one of the best names there was in the business of touching people’s lives through technology. He wanted it. He got it. And how!

This is a nice book to rad. A nice book to keep on your book-shelf as well. It looks good. It reads good. Not as good as what Steve jobs himself wrote though. And I am referring to his moving Stanford commencement address in 2005. Read this book and then read that. You get a better glimpse of the man, his passion, and indeed his mercurial madness.
The author is a brand-strategy specialist  & CEO, Harish Bijoor Consults Inc. @harishbijoor

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